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Creative Writing For The Mind, Body Soul Courses

Darcy Patrick is the author of “Why I Run” My story of how I won my life back from the darkness of depression, "Creative Writing for the Mind, Body and Soul."  In "Creative Writing For The Mind Body & Soul" Darcy brings "Why I Run to life!" You will learn to use the same tools he wrote about in "Why I Run". Darcy will walk you through each section and you will learn just how powerful of a tool writing can be.


Creative Writing For The Mind, Body & Soul goes live!


Darcy is now teaching Creative Writing For The Mind, Body & Soul as a 4 night, 2 hours a night course, as well as offering the 5 sections as individual work shops called Writing For Wellness nights! Darcy can easily cater a work shop to your needs!


Darcy has taught Creative Writing For The Mind Body & Soul for many different organizations and community partners:






















1. Change your negative thinking.

•Learn to notice and accept your negative thoughts and emotions by writing them down, learning that in doing so you free yourself from them.

•Prove those negative thoughts wrong by using tools such as thought records and journal entries to conquer and organize them.


2. Learn to use writing as a therapeutic tool.

•Learn to write out your secrets, your difficult thoughts, your emotions and how you feel about yourself. When you learn to do this, you are actually creating a safe place where there is no right or wrong, just your feelings.

•Creating your own affirmations and learning that saying them and writing them every day will inspire you, build your self-confidence and cultivate a stronger you!

We are all entitled to our own feelings, and having a place where you can be free to express them is a wonderful gift to have.


3. Mindfulness and guided meditation

•Learn to write a guided meditation.

•Practice mindfulness in your writing.

•Learn to use all 5 senses in your writing. This will inspire you and help you more easily reach a meditative state.

Through guided meditation you will unlock the true power of your mind, and celebrate it by creating your own meditations.



4. Create your own safe place

•Using the tools from guided meditation and mindfulness, you will create your own safe place in your mind.

•Practice going to your safe place both as a writer and in daily life! Learn how it can become a place you can go to at any time, whether you feel overwhelmed or trapped (or just for fun!). This is a special place you create for yourself which is unique to you, and you can go there any time you need to.


5. Applying what you have learned

•Reflect on what we have learned about writing and how it frees you!

•Come up with your own ways to apply what you have learned in daily life and real life situations.

•Use writing as a tool to practice acceptance of difficult thoughts and feelings, and in doing so learn to fight depression and anxiety.

•Discover that using all these tools for yourself in your own ways will help to make your mind stronger, and will change your life.


Creative Writing for the Mind, Body and Soul is all about turning writing into a special place where you are free to write and practice the tools which are given to you in this program. This will build your confidence and transform you into a stronger and more confident you!


Creative Writing for the Mind, Body and Soul is available as 4 week course, 2 hours each class, can also be taught as individual sessions as well, catered to you needs. Can be taught virtually or in person depending on your location.


Contact directly at or 289-241-0407


Darcy Patrick

Peer Support Worker St Joseph's Hamilton Healthcare /Author/Public Speaker/Mental Health Facilitator/ Instructor

“Only with open conversation can we break the stigma behind depression and mental health. Let’s start talking and do it together”

Creative Writing for the Mind, Body & Soul  covers the following 5 sections

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New!! FREE!!download  Creative Writing For The Mind, Body & Soul


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Darcy Patrick  Author/Public Speaker/Wellness Writing Coach/Peer Support Worker  


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Breaking the stigma behind depression and mental health  


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