It is my pleasure to introduce and recommend Darcy Patrick to you. Darcy is as an inspiring speaker, author and individual. He has made an invaluable contribution to the Canadian Mental Health Association, Niagara Branch over the past three years, in his role as an effective volunteer when speaking about mental illness.
Darcy exhibits a strong personal interest and commitment to empower individuals, who suffer silently, to enable them to move forward with their lives; at which time he advocates to remove the barriers that create the stigma attached. He wrote a book called “Why I Run” which is about regaining and taking ownership of his life back from the darkness of depression! Recently he developed and completed a self-help program called, “Creative Writing for the Body, Mind and Soul.” When making public appearances, Darcy speaks candidly, with simplicity and confidence. He inspires people with his personal story, and then ends his talk by inviting members of his audience to visit him anytime they need to talk.
As the Public Education - Coordinator for Canadian Mental Health Association we rely on Darcy to assist our organization in our goals to promote mental health awareness. We are truly appreciative of his work and dedication. Darcy is a selfless person.
On behalf of Canadian Mental Health, I wholeheartedly endorse any opportunities one may have to learn by listening to Darcy Patrick. Darcy is truly an asset to the public mental health sector whether it be in the capacity of a fellow colleague or as a compelling and dynamic coach and mentor to those affected with mental health issues.
I would be more than pleased to provide additional information if requested.
Karen Robson
Public Education Coordinator
Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara Branch
905 641-5222 Ext. 2637

We first connected with Darcy through a colleague at the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). He was highly recommended to Public Health and became an active, volunteer speaker with a mental health promotion presentation, Well-Being 101.
Well-Being 101 presentation objectives are to:
•increase literacy levels around mental health and well-being
•decrease stigma associated with mental health problems
•increase coping and resiliency skills
•increase knowledge of finding local community supports
•hear from someone who has experienced a mental health problem
Darcy is a passionate speaker, who freely shares his personal story of living with a mental health problem. His story continues to resonate with many audiences, from youth to the older adult population. He is an articulate and thoughtful speaker, as he shares his journey, which focuses on key coping skills, such as mindfulness and running. He gently talks about his discovery of self-awareness, as he re-counts his past negative thinking patterns. He also talks openly about the importance of self-care and reaching out to others for support. He inspires others through his vulnerability and courage and always leaves others with a sense of hope. Darcy’s story directly helps to decrease stigma, especially for men and fathers in the workplace.
We feel fortunate to know and work with Darcy. We always learn something from him every time we present together. He is a confident and insightful speaker, who provides much value to the mental health promotion work we deliver. Darcy also highly valued by his peers and has become a quiet leader for our team of volunteers. He has also written 2 books that are a wonderful resource for so many people.
With much appreciation and sincerity,
Katie Cino
Health Promoter, Niagara Region Public Health
Kristie Robertson
Health Promoter, Niagara Region Public Health

Darcy Patrick, Guest Speaker and Author
I have had the immense pleasure of being in the room for one of Darcy's presentations. As President of my Rotary Club, I was keen to attract highly engaging and professional speakers for our weekly lunch meetings. I came across Darcy's book, Why I Run, at my local bookstore and picked it up; I was drawn to the honest conversation inside the book and sought Darcy out to be a potential speaker at my club.
Although his schedule and mine were quite busy, we did manage to host Darcy as our guest speaker in January of this year. His message was so well received, and he received a standing ovation following his presentation. Rotarians see a LOT of speakers, on a weekly basis, and I am compelled to say that Darcy Patrick was a stand-out, favourite speaker of my entire year as President!
Darcy is an engaging, funny and authentic gentleman, with a powerful message of perseverance, hope, and resilience which would be well received by many audiences.
Yours truly,
Vicky Rudachuk
President, Rotary Club of St. Catharines

Author/Public Speaker/Peer Support Worker

